maybe i'll go
shows i hope to attend. i’ve moved further away from los angeles, so it’s a bit harder to get up and go…but sometimes you just gotta shoot.

riverside show and go
registration 7-10am
judging 9am-12pm
open header cruise 11am-4pm
trophies 4pm

might hit this show up. we just happened to be on our way home from vacation last time, and staying down the street at the wigwam.
more info: deadsleds21@gmail.com or @dead_sleds_car_club

ramble on the ranch classic car show
more info: rambleonattheranch@gmail.com
vehicle entries send photos of your vehicle / vendors send photos of your booth / product / or social media

bomb life oc 10th annual car show
roll in 8-10
cars $20 / bikes $15
dj rodney
more info - call after 5pm: 714.393.8602
el monte sizzling car show
$25 to enter vehicle
proceeds to purchase school supplies and uniforms
info: pauline cazares at elmontedod@yahoo.com

57th la roadsters show and swap
info ron fairfield 562.598.7009 / 562.760.3648 / fordguy32@gmail.com

bomb club so cal summer blast
roll-in 9-10am
i’m going to miss this one, as i’ll be landing at the airport about the time it’s wrapping up 😞

rialto run whatcha brung
friday night cruise 5-10pm
saturday car show/open header cruise 7am-3pm
trophies for top 20
info: rialtorotary.org

old school bombs lowrider & bomb car show
roll in 11am to 1pm
info: david 949.813.4675 or rudy 714.232.9753

dino's bomb squad cinco de mayo classic car show
roll-in 8-10am
info: big pete 323.286.7653

chicano park day | Sold out
i was told they were going to do a show this year, attempting to limit it to one hundred and fifty cars.
they had already collected monies and had more than that registered from the past couple of covid cancelled years. i hope they honor that and let them all in.
please see the official website for info: https://chicano-park.com

corn feed run
unfortunately, we’ll be in san diego :(
it’s usually a very good turn out.
real classics fundraiser car show for zoot suit riots historic cruise
more info: pachuco manny 562.900.4119

true pride cc 3rd annual car show fundraiser | sold out
roll-in 8-10am
contact irma 909.548.9412 for info

azalea festival classic car show
better half wants to go. hoping it will be better attended than last year.
old memories eastside cc: show n shine in loving memory of angel carrillo
all cars welcome.
(i saw a flyer)

pomona swap meet
my better half wants to get back to shooting more often, and really wants to shoot some cars here. hoping it doesn’t rain next sunday. :)