rooster hood ornament
i love hood ornaments, you probably should have figured that out, if you've browsed through this bloggy thing for any amount of time. regular, standard hoodies are fine to shoot, in case i want to show details of a particular car.
but the unique, custom, or hard to find hoodies are a fav. like little bespoke sculptures, with lots of little detail to mesmerize daft little photographers.
so how dirty double entendre should i go with this one? maybe i'll forego those jokes this time, but i am thinking them. i do love a nice cock though...oops, see what i mean?
saw this rooster on some type of small car named after a kid or the kid was named after the car--i don't remember what the owner or the sign said now. i didn't shoot the car, i know that much. whittier uptown show, and i was in a hurry to catch a train that day.
going to take my madre to the fair this evening. probably won't stay long, since her legs get tired. better half has to work, but he may take his own mom there next week.
i think the hell week at work is just about over, so time to relax.