1947 chevrolet fleetline
i received an email last week from someone who’d seen my better half and i shooting out at pomona. asked if they could see some pics of their black forty-seven chevy.
luckily for them, there were not so many cars there, otherwise, it would have been a question of “which one?”
i responded promptly, that i was super busy at work—i totally am —but that i’d have my better half look through his pics to share until i could look through mine.
not saying that it bothered me that my response wasn’t acknowledged, since i’d later forwarded some of better half’s pics of it, but it would have been polite. i guess the thank you in the original email will have to suffice. maybe they went to junk mail.
so here’s another cloudy pic that i fiddled with the other day, one which happened to have been a long awaited rainy day (it rained most of last week). pretty sure it’s the car they were asking about.
i have a hard time unwinding after a long day at work, and can’t sleep, so i took the time to flip through my photos and find it. i had a side view of it as well, but i wasn’t thrilled with it.
if you’d like to see my better half’s pics of this car, check them out on his website.
going to throw in a shameless plug for my daughter’s dog rescue, in case you’re feeling charitable and love dogs and cats.
she lives in hell, i mean bakersfield, where there are so many strays, they either will die of starvation, get hit by cars, be abused, suffer heatstroke or freezing to death, or a combo of those. unfixed animals fare no better, and unwanted puppies do not thrive. she’s doing her best to help them, but she’s looking for funding for food, transporting them to no-kill shelters, medical care and fosters. her heart is in the right place, and where there’s a will, there’s a way, as they say. thank you in advance for whatever spare change you might have.