what's up?

flight of fancy

awesome. work server is down, might as well post a picture. and i got a rush job to do, so extra special awesome.

worked over the memorial day weekend, so now i gotta pick another day to take off. better half's mom has a cold, and he needs to take a business trip, aside from being busy himself, so i guess a long weekend escape is off the table. guess i'll just stay home and take care of stuff i like to put off vs going to a car show.

found this hood ornament on a car from last year's whittier area church show. making me think about traveling. need to decide where to take our anniversary trip this year. already know it will either be a month early or a month late, because his coworker's spouse will be popping a kid around that time, so my better half has to be there to support east and west coast offices.

haven't been to san fran for a while. east coast weather has been a bit dicey the last few years, but maybe dc or florida.

i know for sure it will be somewhere. maybe just throw a dart at a map?

see what happens when there's no car show to go to

as i was saying, i had to return my camera the other day, and exchange it for another, then another. weren't really many car shows going on for whatever reason, so wtf, i'll shoot something else and make sure the thing works.

my blog, so i can do what i want--no one reads it anyway. i know they aren't cars, but the things have wheels anyway.

oh wait...here are some cars.

 somehow, its just not the same...