what's up?

rebel yell

rat rod

i only know fer sure that it has firestone tires. otherwise, i can't figure out what part came from what car. i also know that i could not leave without a picture of it, but there were always so many guys gathered around it, i almost did give up. i finally just walked over and set up my tripod, and just started shooting one side, then when i moved to this side, which was the side i really wanted, the group got a clue and moved back a bit. not sure if the owner was in that cluster of dudes, but if he was, someone tell him thanks for moving. i like these cars for no reason at all, but they do make for interesting images.

just home from a weekend in monterey. was taunted by the unloading of lots of classic cars for a car auction this week. public not allowed in, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. no real opportunity to get the shots i wanted, though there was one really nice buick skylark i should have taken, but just didn't. the driver was waiting for his signal to bring it into the fenced area. i figured i couldn't set up in time to get my shots, so kept walking. two blocks away, and i saw it still waiting...my husband is not letting me forget the one that got away.