what's up?


1939 plymouth

stopped at the broiler last week. expected a lot more cars there, since the time change, and it was sunny and fairly warm. had time to kill before heading out to LAX, and wanted to have lots to make it fly by. well, not so much, so i just ended up take a lot of fewer cars.

if this truck shows up, this car is usually not far behind. either same car club or bestest buds i suppose. i haven't taken too many of it in the past for whatever reason, but this day, the light was good, and there weren't too many people milling around. really is a nice car.

and i took this one early enough, that the guys weren't sitting inside it yet, as they were when i walked by it later in the evening. i figure if you've brought your car to a show, you want people to see it, and it's available for shooting, whether you decide to sit in it or not. so word to the old bitties that glare down at me from the passenger seat. if i end up liking the car overall, i'm gonna post it with your pissy, constipated face in the picture for all posterity to enjoy. :)

hey to angel, who usually stops to chat with me, and had his brother with him this time—nice to meet you. yes, i always recognize you, but you were unexpected, since i hadn't seen your wagon in it's usual spot...he'd driven an old truck instead—his father's, that he's been fixing up.