so, no plans this week, but here i sit, on vacation. supposed to rain the next two days, so i'm ok on that point. won't miss how people drive on wet roads. don't miss how they drive on dry roads. why is there always some idiot at five-thirty in the morning, that has to drive close to a hundred miles an hour, swerving between lanes? and where are the cops at five-thirty? i'm just trying to get to work, not the cemetery.
anyway, went to the market and stocked up on baking supplies. thinking of making cinammon rolls and/or sugar cookies. got a craving. always great here, with the peeps trying to cut back on sugar, especially the diabetic in the house. can take them over to my parent's house, but they don't need it either. well, they freeze ok, so my mom usually saves them for when she's expecting company.
also made a crap ton of hawaiian meatballs for dinner. had hoped they were sweeter than they turned out. better half had two helpings. not too bad if you take a mouthful with a chunk of pineapple. anyway, he always thinks they are better the next day.
then, on top of all that, have been working on my copyright uploads. just now stopped the computer to fiddle with a picture.
thinking this one from chicano park will do. end of the year coming, and yet another year's worth of pictures i'll never get around to doing anything with. maybe i'll spend the day posting some tomorrow. unless the cable goes down, because of the rain. go charter.