what's up?

under the bridge

1959 chevrolet impala

one of the joys of arriving way too early to a show, is the line-up or staging area for the cars. when there are no reserved spots involved, or they are there to claim areas for their club members, being first in line has its advantages.

there are always cars in the street that leads to the entrance onto the grass at chicano park. they let vendors in way earlier than anyone else. so cars are parked, and owners are out socializing or sleeping in the car. often kids are bouncing around inside the car, parents keeping an eye on them from nearby.

i think there were some young girls in this one, but i'm low enough you can't see them, unless they were right in or hanging out of the windows.

my better half spoke to the owner, said i'd be more likely to post a picture of it in this decade than he would, though i think he has actually posted a couple of shots in the last couple of months. quite the increase of one a year for the last few. he's been a bit busy taking care of his mom, but she's been a lot healthier, so he has relaxed a bit more. he's been going to more shows with me, experimenting with his various lenses and camera setups. more fun than just being my bag boy, i hope.

black widow

i saw this car up on philadelphia, with it's club, lo nuestro, and thought i recognized it. went back behind it to check out the altar set up and found this:


i took a bunch of shots before the owner asked the usual questions. lots of details on this car. hard to decide where to look first.

i asked her if she had been at the chicano park show back in april. yep. that's where it was. i remembered exactly where it was parked—right here on the grass, in the middle of the park:



on another note...i had been on call to do some work today for the office. waited at home all day, until about four. decided it wasn't going to happen today, and decided i was going to drive out to covina to check out the real classics car show. i've had their card sitting on a shelf for several months now; one of many that have been handed to my better half to be passed on to me. supposedly their halloween show.

i got about half way there, when they sent me a message that the file was ready to work on, so i had to drive all the way back home to do ten minutes worth of work. then wait for the ok. so, by the time they approved it, i figured if i got back in the car and drove up there, i'd have about fifteen minutes before the sun went down. decided to wait until next month. they'll be having a food drive then...

thinking of going to the pomona swap meet tomorrow, before it gets too hot out. hoping the morning clouds that have been out for several days, are still around. they make the sky more interesting, and reflect so well on the polished cars.

and i also have a flyer for a groupe ela car show...maybe could swing by there on the way home...