i've seen this 1950 oldsmobile 88 fastback at several shows now. this was last year at the ruby's in whittier show. the owner (i'm pretty sure his name is duke for some reason) spoke to me briefly at the geezers show at the garden grove elk's club back in march. said he was the original owner, and had bought it brand new back in the day. it looks like it drove off the line today, if you ever get to see it in person. just remarkable condition.
it's funny looking through these images from last year—maybe the second car show i'd ever been to with the camera—to see so many of the cars that i've gotten to be very familiar with in the last couple of months. actually, i think some of those shots that day are better than what i've been getting lately, since it was september, the sun was setting earlier, and there were really cool clouds blowing across the sky that night. i do remember it being so very warm that night, and packing up early.