what's up?

close your hood, please, oh please

walked around this one. beautiful, beautiful fleetline. almost just left it sitting there. hood was open, but i just couldn't not shoot one picture of it. so here, i tried to get low enough to not notice the open hood so much. didn't work, not low enough.

my better half, who's there between the cars, talked to the owner earlier. he had asked him to close the hood, but that guy said most people are interested in the engine. nope. 

better half usually asks for the story on the car. unexpectedly, this guy says he bought this one as you see it, from someone who was desparate for the cash to buy his "dream" car, that had suddenly become available. so he got this sweet thing for twelve thousand even. damn.


1947 chevy fleetline

i've seen this car several times. the paint colors always make me think of orange and lime sherbet. which sounds pretty good right now, though i always preferred raspberry.

better half is recovering from a cold. sounds like his mom is starting one. hopefully, it won't be too bad. apparently flu shots don't do much for a cold, which is why avoid them like the plague. the shots, not my sicky relations.

i'm just tired. i want to take some more pictures, but its raining now. probably off and on all weekend. i'll have to think of something better to do. >:)

random observations

1948 chevy fleetline

i walked uptown last saturday, looking for some dinner. better half had to work all day. had been raining off and on the last couple of days, so i took my umbrella. i mostly use one of those long black ones, with a handle like a walking cane. makes me imagine that i'm looking for russian defectors to poke in the leg with the sharp tip, if you know the kind i mean.

i got about a block from the house, when it started raining pretty well. moment of hesitation, deciding whether to go back and get my car, or just keep on going. always loved walking in the rain when i was a kid, and it wasn't falling hard enough to stop me, so i kept going. only lasted about five minutes anyway.

saw a few odd things on my trip:

  • a guy riding a beach cruiser, but it sounded like a motorcycle; he had a radio strapped into a basket on the back playing the sounds of a harley
  • a pimped out, low rider 56/57 chevy with the spare tire cover on the back
  • two women knocking on the door of the mortuary, as if they would be keeping evening hours, but no one was there; the older woman on the cell phone, presumably calling for an appointment, at least i imagined

i just notice weird things sometimes, when i'm not tuned out, noticing colors and textures, and thinking that whatever would make an interesting picture.


this nice chevy bomb was from the whittier show this past august. parked over by the tattoo parlor, the weird gift/pinstriped furniture store, and pizza place. surprised that group wasn't standing in front of the bar, just out of the picture on the right.

so round, so firm, so…

1948 chevrolet fleetline

here's a nice bomb, hiding in plain sight. under cover of the overhang, i had to tweak it a bit to get it out of the dark—my camera exposed for the sky more than the car. someday i'll have to figure out how to use the camera properly.

my better half has tried many times to explain all the buttons and what nots on the camera…his is even worse. he'll sit with the knowledge that one of these days, i'll give in and ask for this information, and pay attention, the same way i did when i asked him to show me how he was doing his pictures. he loves to tell that story, and it gets more “interesting” with each telling, as do most of his stories about me.

anyway, i like these old chevys, with all their curves and chrome. i like the front of it too, even if the hood ornament is so very simple, err, elegant, err, modernistic...; i'll have to post the pictures someday.